“HOOKED FOR LIFE” by Cxxx Sxxxxxxn (Montana) 2006, two years after enrolling Sunrider Whow! Is it more blessed to give than receive I have been in full time ministry for close to 20 years, and always been the one being provided for. It was very hard to be “taken care of,” but my job was to be a spiritual caretaker and trust the Lord to take care of me. Then five years ago, crying out to God for help with my health, along came Sunrider. Last month I got close to $7,000.00 from Sunrider in one month. Part of that was for the convention bonus, but getting $3,500 to $4,000 a month is A HUGE BLESSING. I have become a giver and helper in a way I never imagined possible. I’ve turned into a payer of bills rather than just a creator of bills I have been able to provide tools to help others succeed in a Sunrider business I can’t even remember the last time I was sick? I used to be sick five to seven times a year and using antibiotics plus other little ills. It’s great to be full of health and energy MOST OF THE TIME, and able to give and care for others. I wasn’t looking for a job, but needed strength to help others have energy and health. I needed a tool to help them know more spiritually. Now several members of my family and friends get most of their Sunrider food free, and earn extra $ from Sunrider. They took the information in J.W.’s tape to heart as I did. It changed their lifestyles and the blessings continue to increase in everyone’s life I think anyone who takes the information to heart on HEALTHY FOR LIFE (Tape), will not only be full of health and energy, people will want what they have and the rest comes into order I grew up in Colorado, near a town called Central City There is “gold in them hills.” There is still a huge amount of gold, but no one mines it anymore Sunrider is like a mountain full of gold and anyone willing to overcome the obstacles will eventually reach the gold. It’s not up for grabs. The gold is there. The only question is who will mine it. I made an “emotional” purchase the first time I ordered Sunrider. I regretted it. I would have taken it back had I bought it at Wal-mart. The more I listened to the Tape of The Month DVD’s and CD’s, I realized what a wise decision I had made. And anyone who eats 3 meals of Sunrider a day, and eats fruit and veggies, and does it for just one week knows why people get HOOKED FOR LIFE We need to realize people will get emotional like we did when they hear about it for the first time. Then we have to help them understand why their choice was wise I believed Sunrider was too expensive in the beginning, until I met Nancy’s friends saying they would pay twice as much for it. WHO CAN PUT A DOLLAR VALUE ON HAVING HEALTH AND ENERGY? After you listen to a few of Colleen Ceton’s tapes, the lights come on as to why some people will never live a day without Sunrider Seeing my children and grandchildren healthy is a huge blessing Sunrider has been a tool to help me and others face many fears and insecurities we never would face had Sunrider not come into our lives. I was tempted to think Sunrider was only for “some” special people that I could never be part of. Now, quite a few of my friends (who couldn’t afford Sunrider) found a way to afford it As Nancy says, people afford what they value. Even those in real poverty find a way for their drugs, cigarettes, booze etc. I thought that was easy for her to say, (she wasn’t poor like me ). Wow, do I realize how true her words are now. You teach someone the value of Sunrider; they will find a way to invest in their health and energy And they will stop investing in sickness and disease I had MLM issues too, but not anymore. It takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to open a franchise to be a glorified slave. Even Doctors pay fee’s for their education somet- imes for many years. Getting a Sunrider “degree” is simple It’s just a matter of getting Sunrider wisdom, understanding and knowledge. Then show others how to do it too. Yes, you can invest a few thousand dollars and have a great base of DVD’s, CD’s, written material, etc. But those are unnecessary. If you have a right spirit, the rest will take care of itself. AND I HAVE SEEN THE EVIDENCE OF THAT in my life and the lives of others It’s really as easy as Nancy says it is. Give out an Emerson DVD, a product handbook and Colleen Ceton CD Anyone who is looking to be responsible for their health and want to stop abandoning their personal health all decisions to Dr’s, Drugs, and surgery, will “get” the message that they ate themselves into most of their problems and there is hope to eat themselves out of them We did and there are more of us out there People are waking up and “smelling the tea” ? DVD’s like “Prescription for Disaster” are popping up all over They plead the cause of degeneration via food and drugs and regeneration via food and food grade herbs Now I’m paying bills, paying my way, helping many others, doing all I can to help others succeed. I have come to realize part of spiritual ministry has to do with helping people overcome with their health, energy, and even financial battles. Some students have a vision for mining the gold, and are fully persuaded it’s there for anyone who will go for it Everyone has to work. Why not do something that’s helping others have health, energy and more money than they could make in many professions. This makes me think of Nancy. She isn’t highly educated, but makes more money in one month than most people ever will with all kinds of talent and money. It comes by having love and care, and serving others It amazes me to hear about both down and outers and very successful people who got the vision for being like a Franchisor creating Franchises. And having a business your kids can inherit All the work one does in Sunrider is inheritable It’s not just the top guys getting wealthy like in a Wal-Mart, Wendy’s or other businesses. Sunrider share’s the wealth with many, many people (Unlike most retail stores) And your children will never inherit all the work you do for other people’s businesses. Every month I get a clearer understanding of God being the God of what looks impossible And all things are possible to those who believe I have real hope that several of my children and friends will be working towards helping others with their health, energy and finances, and they will know the tremendous personal rewards of helping others prosper in body, mind and spirit Everyday I try and pray for inspiration in how to help others. I pray for the lives of all the people I touch in Sunrider, and that I will be the one who The Lord needs to be with them I take on faith to look my fears straight on (They are all and have been all the time, A TOOTHLESS LION ). I know it was the Lord who plopped Sunrider right in the middle of my life to test me, to see what I would do, and the blessings have never stopped for having faith to eat good, feel good, get out of debt Sunrider has changed my life and I’m watching it dramatically change the lives of others. When you take the junk thoughts and junk food out of your life, you will be a path of life for others to follow, and follow they will. Many people are looking for HOPE, help, energy and health It’s worth it to really consider where you are leading people in their lives, health, habits, and beliefs I DECIDED TO LIVE MY LIFE WITHOUT REGRETS when Sunrider came along, NOW I’M WATCHING OTHERS TAKE ON THAT SAME SPIRIT Which brings me to the chorus of a song a few of us sang at a Sunrider meeting, which goes like this: “There’s no Victory without a battle, there’s no prize without a fight. And you can’t win a race without running, my friend, stop a wrong without doing right. For a house to be built it takes labor; for a testimony there’s a test. And you’ll never know true satisfaction, until you’ve given to the Lord, your best, your best, your very best ” It’s so satisfying to give Sunrider and all the people your very best, too ~Cxxi Sxxxxxxxt